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how to turn a computer fan into a desk fan

Transform a simple computer fan into a cool and convenient desk fan in just a few easy steps! Follow this guide to get ahead of the (indoor) heat.

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We all know that a fan is an essential part of staying cool during sweltering summer days. But buying a fan can be quite an expensive purchase, and they often take up unwanted space. That’s why we’re here to show you an innovative way to make your own fan – by utilizing your old computer fan! So grab a screwdriver and continue reading to learn how to turn a computer fan into a desk fan.
how to turn a computer fan into a desk fan

1. Ready, Set, Cool Down: Turning a Computer Fan into a Desk Fan

    Easy and Inexpensive Solution

Bring the summer breeze indoors with this simple, minimal-cost project. All you’ll need is an old computer fan, a few standard household tools, some hot glue and string, and you can have a homemade desk fan in no time. It’s a quick and easy way to beat the heat.

Raw materials to get started are often stowed away in the back of closets and drawers. Grab an old computer fan, a kitchen knife, some glue, and a spool of string. Then, get creative with your project. Cut a circular piece of fabric, preferably light and breathable to allow air to move through easily. Hot glue the fabric over the fan blades. Use the string to tie it to objects around the house such as light fixtures or door knobs. The fan is now ready to cool you down in style—no electricity required.
1. Ready, Set, Cool Down: Turning a Computer Fan into a Desk Fan

2. Preparing the Materials for a DIY Desk Fan

Gather Everything You Need
You might think that a DIY project requires you to be an expert crafter but don’t be intimidated. All you need is a few basic tools and easy to find materials. Before you get started, make sure you have the listed items on hand:

  • Plywood board (2 feet by 2 feet)
  • Router
  • 12-inch long 1/8-inch diameter rod
  • Foam board (2 feet by 2 feet circumference)
  • Glue
  • Wire
  • Electrical tape

Cut the Foam Board and Attach the Rod
Once you have everything ready, it’s time to start assembling the fan. Cut a 2-foot diameter circle from the foam board and glue it to the plywood board. Secure the rod to the foam board at its center. Make sure you measure and cut the rod to the proper length as it is essential for the fan’s rotor and blades. Now your base frame is ready and you can move on to the next steps!
2. Preparing the Materials for a DIY Desk Fan

3. Assembling the Fan: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Putting together an electric fan has never been easier, as this step-by-step guide demonstrates. Here are the essential steps to assembling your fan:

  • Unbox the fan blade and motor components: Carefully unpack the various parts of the fan including the blade, motor, screws, and mounting plate. Examine each part to ensure that nothing is missing and that all pieces are in the same condition they arrived in.
  • Secure the blade with screws: Align the fan blade with the motor and affix the screws to the mounting plate. Tighten the screws by hand to ensure they will stay connected once the fan is plugged in.
  • Attach the power cord: Connect the power cord to the motor before clicking it into the wall socket. Check the connection twice to ensure that the electricity is flowing correctly.
  • Assemble the fan guard: Install the fan guard, which often curves around the entire circumference of the fan and fastens itself with two pins. Make sure everything fits snugly and that all of the caging aligns properly.

Now that your fan is assembled and ready to go, you can plug it in and enjoy several hours of cool air. Let this guide serve as the perfect reminder of how easy it is to bring one of these little contraptions to life!

3. Assembling the Fan: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide

4. Time to Enjoy the Breeze: Using Your Customized Desk Fan

Now that your desk fan is customized to your exact specifications, all that’s left to do is enjoy! Be sure to remind yourself of the benefits; desk fans are a great way to reduce stress, relax, and enjoy life more every day.

The perfect way to use your desk fan is with conscious awareness. Make yourself comfortable and switch on your fan. You can:

  • Listen – Focus on the sound of the fan, observe how it changes the background noise in your room.
  • Feel – Notice the sensation of refreshing air on your skin.
  • Smell – Inhale and enjoy the scent brought in by the breeze.
  • Relax – Close your eyes and let your physical body experience a sense of relaxation.

Embrace the sensation of your customized desk fan to tune into yourself and feel relieved.


Q: What do I need to do to turn a computer fan into a desk fan?
A: First, you’ll need to find a fan from an old computer that is still in working condition. Then, take apart the fan and carefully remove the fan blades from the motor. Next, reassemble the fan motor with a new set of blades designed for use as a desk fan. Finally, attach the new fan blades to the motor and plug in the fan to a power source, and enjoy the cooling breeze!

By now, you should have transformed your computer fan into a sleek, efficient desk fan. From old to new, this upcycled fan will add some cool breeze to your home or office. Enjoy the repurposing process and the new functioning fan!

Favour Etim

Years of hard work, research, and internship in technologically and computer-related fields have helped Etim Favour to produce informative and engaging writings on computers and technology-related products. When Favour is not writing, you’ll find her answering questions to help gamers and office workers to build the best battlestation/workstation.

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