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So I got a standing desk. As the title says, it was the SmartDesk 2 from Autonomous.
I have never owned a standing desk before, but I knew I wanted one after trying out standing and working on my laptop with different methods. It helps me focus more on the task at hand, and helps my body get a break from sitting all day (not that I don’t love other awesome computer desks that you can view here).
In a long roundabout way I found the SmartDesk 2 base and used my existing desk surface on it (probably will replace it later).
After using the desk for several months now, here is my review. The video is great, and the article provides even more detail.
This thing was a breeze to put together. The instructions were very straight forward, I did not get lost when following them.
The only thing to note here is that this thing is super heavy, and you will need to turn it over a time or two. You may want a second set of hands to help, but was able to go it alone.

Lifting Capacity
This standing desk can lift 220 lbs! I laid on it and went up and down, and yes that was fun. This should be plenty of lift for your entire computer station.
Do note that the SmartDesk 2 – Business Edition has a lifting capacity of 300 lbs. This may come in handy if you are running giant CRT monitors still or something weird.

The stability of this desk is great! I had previously looked at some standing desk that was on sale at Office Max and ready many reviews that the desk was not stable and it was very noticeable. Glad I avoided that.
The only time you notice a tiny bit of wobble is if you really shove the desk pretty hard, or when it is going up and down. Not a big deal for me since I am also going up and down with it.
This is not a silent desk by any means. There is an audible hum when adjusting the height of this desk. It does not bother me though.
It is a sound that a microphone would probably pick up, but then again so is the sound of the space heater that is next to me.

Adjustment Height Range
The adjustment height range of the SmartDesk 2 is 29 inches – 47 inches. I am under 6 ft. tall, and I have no issues with how high it goes.
That being said, I do wish it went a little lower, just one or two inches to be flush with my arms.
The adjustment height range of the SmartDesk 2 – Business Edition is 24 inches to 51 inches. This could be a future upgrade.

Adjustment Height Speed
The adjustment speed of SmartDesk 2 is 1 inch per second (compared to the Business Edition which is 2.3 inches per second). This speed is fine for me, I can take an extra second to stretch which I do any way.
The controls are pretty basic. You have 7 buttons on a panel that mounts under the desk. You can really place it any where you like. Instead of on the front I put mine off to the left side so it makes my desk look cleaner.

One button helps you save a height, 4 buttons that initiate a saved height, and two buttons to go up and down. Pretty easy!
Warranty has never been much of a selling point for me, but it can be a, “nice to have” sort of thing. The warranty of the home edition is 1 year, but the business edition is 5 years.
Should you buy the Autonomous SmartDesk 2? Yes, but as with all things, it depends on your exact needs. There are also other types of standing desks to consider.
If you are looking for a way to get standing more at your computer station, then the SmartDesk 2 is a great way to do it without completely breaking the bank.